Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Originally uploaded by lhogan16
This is picture post from my documents. Ok, now that's pretty neat. I stayed right here by the rice paddy a few summers ago.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thing 4 Technorati

The one great thing about all this new tech stuff is it gives you a chance to question where they got all these weird names for things. I never got into Star Trek but I have this suspicion it originated there. Look at Technorati.......I got the tech part. Where in the world does norati come from. I admit I took a class in college that we studied root words. Greek, good stuff. Years later I still look at a word and try to figure out where it root lies, so I can gather the meaning. This is all lost on tech talk for as much as I can see.Perhaps that is why I still feel like a foreigner in this land. It reminds me of a language where anyone can call anything they want. Whoooooooooeee.Let the first grade teachers take that one on.
For Myra's sake, and my credit hours I did explore Technorati more on my own. I agree with several of my fellow bloggers it was more difficult then we thought it would be. I imagined myself typing in my favorite past times and reaping scads of blogs fine tuned to my desires. Nope. How about two million hits in gardening to look through, and guess what… Those nasty sex links we see all over our email are there. I have no idea what kind of garden they are growing! I failed miserable and my blogline is pretty much empty right now. I did see some angry moms with teenagers have blogs and I might join them for fun. I need to write something about how I will use this with students or in my job. In a few more weeks I hope to discover that.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Thing 3 RSS

Really Simple Syndication is the term for this. Kind of a difficult concept for a newbee. The idea is getting clearer as I play with it. Somehow still feels like that video clip everyone has seen where the astroid is coming at you at lightning speed. So I envision all these blogs doing the same thing and trying to dodge them. Actually the whole RSS is just the answer for that. It allows in what you invite in, and you can pretty much ignore all those other blazing blogs traveling by. The next big problem is managing them. Being the order freak I am, I see this mass of blogs scooting all over each other in totally random order. Now I personally can't be in the same room as that. Miracle Myra has already come to our aide and showed us a tool to whip them into order. Now this becomes a managable task for me. I can hide them in folders, marked by me about their contents. Now I can open my room, check the floor to see it clean, and open those drawers when I want. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... I guess I am just one conceptual blogger.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Yahoo look what I did!!!!!! fine tune it later!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing #2
I have figured out a way into all but one blog. I have lost more screens, passwords, and time than I ever thought of. I do not feel comfortable to write to the world much either. Glad this is a closed site! I have visited many a blog out there on the web now. My curiosity is tweeked just a little on connecting with others on a different subject matter that tech stuff! 2.0 is going to rock the world I am sure, I just think of all the unseen stuff floating in outspace and think what a mess. Sorry Myra.
Thing # 1
This is surely where it is happening, but it just seems so difficult. Sometimes I dream of the books and a nice old lady handing them out. Computers would be down the hall. The kids are sure ready for all this so it is time to jump on board at least to some degree.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ok ....question to Myra. If I have clerk blog up and mine also I am loosing the other one when I have both windows open. What gives?????????????????
first assignment, read about blogs. ok....Sounds like glorified email. But wait, you can design the page? Choose a font and color? Maybe a picture? Only reasons so far to continue.
ok, going well. Opened and closed it. Amazing. Must email Myra with my limited success. Perhaps I will try an assignment.
Oh my gosh, 10 ladies left with headaches from the first class. Once we made, forgot, and remade our passwords we were finally in our blogs. I wonder who drank more wine last night, the clerks or Myra. But our spirits are up and we will carry on.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Howdy folks, first day and what a treat. Lots of roadblocks but we have at least arrived at the airport.