Monday, April 7, 2008

Thing # 22 Cell Phones

Geeze who would think there is really some good things about these things. Until this class I saw them differently. I saw a wonderful video I think it was in cc, that was done the same way as the Who would think, but all about technology. They talked about the cell phone and gave amazing uses for student's! I was even in awe. This is just not what we clerks were raised with. To the student's this is all they have known. There is a huge gab, but this is why it is so easy for the kids to make the jump from fun, to using it as a tool. I read the "How to use your cell phone in learning". I played with and made an account. I don't think I will use it, but one article was talking about the unorganized student using it as a tool. Uses in the library, I just am not ready for it, but I would listen.

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