Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing 7 Tagging & Social Bookmarking or is a easy to use bookmarking tool for our library. It can be used the same way we used to use By pre-scanning the websites for our students we are able to tag or bookmark them for faster use. Not only does this save time, we are able to eliminate the surfing done in google. I like the fact that they are saved safely outside the desktop computer. Way too many times I have lost websites due to computer crashes.Also I was limited to bookmarks being only on my computer and not being able to share.Or worse I would be working at one computer and have the bookmarks on another. Arrrrgggggggggg. At our school we share our site between staff. Our teacher librarian can tag sites for our students but I also have that ablilty. As I get more confident with it I plan on adding more. The fact that it is shared among web users does give us access to sites we would never have seen. Again this is time comsuming to open and scan the sites, but I am impressed with what I see other people are doing. It is exciting to see others far away are using technology in such creative ways. I think has proved itself worthy of sticking around.

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