Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ok ....question to Myra. If I have clerk blog up and mine also I am loosing the other one when I have both windows open. What gives?????????????????


MyraG said...

Hm-m-m...we'll look at it on Wednesday. You can always jump to your other blogs by using the DASHBOARD. If you don't see it on the blue bar at the top of your blog, click CUSTOMIZE. Then, click DASHBOARD. That is your control panel to navigate your blogs.

clerks a rockin said...

Myra, Dashboard? Sounds like a flying saucer. It has happened several time sense. I am working in Citrix. Show me the dashboard on Wed. Today is Monday and I even came to work to make sure my homework was done and I am ready for your Wed. class. DEDICATION!

MyraG said...

I am SO impressed! We'll review blogging ideas and tips on Wednesday.