Friday, February 1, 2008

Thing 5 Flickr

Italian Gardens

Italian Gardens
Originally uploaded by CurlyToes
Now we are cooking. Flickr search is getting hits the first time. This I could learn to love. I figured out how to post this from Flickr itself. Then I kept opening buttons until I found a edit one for the picture. I appreciate not having a class this week. It gives me real time to get comfortable with all we learned so far. Now to figure out how to arrange the page so it is more attractive.


Kim said...

Love your picture of the Italian Garden. We went to Italy a couple of years ago, it's WONDERFUL! I hope you get the chance to go! Kim

MyraG said...

I'm really not sure on the storage capacity and limits of the free Flickr. I have the Pro account, so I haven't run into any limits. Anyone else?

I, too, love the Italian Gardens. I LOVE Italy. By the way... my birth name is DellaCroce. My family is from San Petro Avellana, Italy...a mountain town on the "calf" of the boot.

Lu said...

Wow! I really like your blog. Very pretty. I am having a hard time with FLICKR; it seems as if I am unable to remember how to do it. I agree with you on FLICKR being really labor intensive. This class is a lot of work.

ann said...

I am having the same problem with getting my photo in the right place with my wording to make it look eye appealing. When I go into edit, it seems to really mess things up! I'm sure there is a trick to all of this!